Dina Ostrovsky
M.A. in Process Work
A Transformational coach, therapist and family constellation facilitator, a founder and director of TERRApia School of Transformation.
"I am fascinated by the greatness, complexity, and potential of human nature. For many years, I studied and practiced multiple ancient and modern methods for personal transformation and growth. The Art and Science of Transformation has become my career and my passion. I am honored to assist others on this path with my knowledge, vision, and experience.”
Professional History
Founder and director of TERRApia school of transformation, 2013–present
TERRApia is a holistic modality, which brings together methods of modern psychology and ancient spiritual Earth practices, dance, music and art, shamanic rituals and conflict facilitation.
August 2011- August 2013 Clinical director at Whole Recovery - a Holistic rehabilitation center for addiction and depression in Samara, Costa Rica.
Founder and director of Ursa Major Travel Club (www.ursatravelclub) – a company which leads adventures and spiritual travels in the USA – Grand Canyon Area, Death Valley, Utah, and the Big Island of Hawaii. Working with Native American spiritual leaders to introduce Native American Culture and Spirituality to travelers from Russia and the Russian community in America.
Founder and director of Place Of Clarity (www.placeofclarity.com) – organizing self-awareness seminars in NYC since 2006.
Personal Coaching. Private personal coaching practice from December 2007.
Family Constellation. Leading psychology seminars in New York City, using the Systemic Constellation approach, as developed by Bert Hellinger.
Organizing and leading seminars on Process Oriented Psychology for New York City’s Russian community starting July 2008.
1995 – 2008 Successful career as an Informational System Consultant for major financial corporations.
Emigrated to the USA from Odessa, Ukraine in 1995.
1990 – 1995 Owner of private Education Company in Odessa, Ukraine
Education and Training:
Process Oriented Psychology:
Oregon 2012 - 2019 – Completed Process Oriented Psychology Master program, Portland, Oregon.
February 2011 – Five-week intensive course in Process Oriented Psychology.
September 2008, February 2008, September 2009, February 2009, September 2011 , September 2014- Intensive trainings with Arnold and Amy Mindell in Earth-Based Psychology, Yachats, Oregon.
Family Constellation:
November 2019. Organized 3 days seminar "Unfolding the field" with Elena Veselago (constellations.ru)
April 2018. Organized 3 days seminar on Systemic Constellation with Elena Veselago (constellations.ru)
November 2015. U.S. Systemic Constellation Conference, San Diego. Presenter on the topic of "In a field of addictions" and working with addictions using the system of Family Constellations.
June 2010. Intensive Constellation Training with Bert Hellinger, Austria.
July 2010. Intensive Constellation Training with Ed Lynch, New England Institute of System Constellation.
November 2010. Constellation seminar with Hunter Bumont, New England Institute of System Constellation.
November 2010. Certificate in Couples work from Stuart Sovatsky, PHD, San Francisco.
October 2011. US Systemic Constellations Conference, San Francisco.
2008 – 2009. Family Constellation facilitator certificate. One year Family Constellation study with Annie Block Pearl. (www.annieblockpearl.com)
Personal Coaching certification
2007, 6-month Intensive Coach Training from “Results Coaching Systems”.
Shamanic Studies:
2013-2017 Worked as a therapist on a retreats with renowed Columbian shamanic master Taita Huan Batosto
2008. Tuva (Siberia, Russia) Shamanic lineage holder, initiated by Tuva shaman Nikolay Orzhak (www.khoomeiji.narod.ru/khoomei_e).
2005 – 2007. Private studies, travels and multiple workshops with Elena Loboda, PHD, Siberian shamanic lineage holder.
2007 – present. Private studies, travels and multiple workshops with Irina Zingerman, Tuva shamanic lineage holder.
2009 – present. Organizing spiritual travels and ceremonies in collaboration with Native American spiritual leader – Mario Blackwolf.
Tibetan Buddhism Studies:
2001 – present. Member of International Dzogchen Community, over twenty retreats with Dzogchen Master Namkay Norbu Rinpoche
2001 – present. Organized and attended multiple retreats of Tibetan Dzogchen master Choga Khenpo Rinpoche.
Taoist Studies:
2018-present Over ten Qigong and Tai-chi retreats with sufi Terrance Dunn
2002 – 2005. Taoist and Qigong studies with Chinese Qigong master Yuan Jung Ping.
2002 – 2008. Organized and attended seminars of Korean Qigong master Song Park.
2011-2014 Completed Persian astrology school with astrologer Irina Rozkova