The month of October is a month of a Mercury retrograde and the two eclipses.
Mercury retrograde starts on Oct 4 and ends on Oct 25. Mercury is a planet, responsible for a mental thinking and for all kind of communication - personal communication, documents, information exchange, business agreements and negotiations, media tools and devices. Mercury helps us to look outside, to make new connections and to create new networks. When the Mercury is retrograde, it means Mercury becomes introvert and looks inside. All mental and communication activities slows down or become mixed up, the information is lost, the agreements are misunderstood. New cellphone or computer, bought during this period, may be broken or lost. This is not a good time to make a new steps in advertisement or to create a networking event. But this is a beautiful time to look back and inward- to restore old connections and friendships, to return debts, to review your business plans and meditate on a new goals. Do your inner work during this period, collect ideas, contemplate and step out to bring them to the outside world after October 25. There are also two eclipses in October. The Lunar eclipse is on Oct 8, 6.55 am and the Solar eclipse is on Oct 23, 5.45 pm. From the astrology prospective, the eclipses are considered to be a very important moments. The events, which have happened during the eclipses, or close to the time of eclipses, may have a very strong influence and create a program for a big period of time – from 6 months to 2 years. The advice for an eclipse time is to be very conscious in actions. Try not to create conflicts and to make critical decisions. What is done on the eclipse is hard or impossible to fix. The day of the eclipse is a good day for the rest and meditation. There are special eclipse practice for letting go of the past things, which don’t serve us anymore and to set up a new intentions. I am planning to create a next post with the description of this practice. Full lunar eclipse is on October 8. The Moon will be in 16 degree of Аries and Sun in 16 degree of Libra. It will affect people born between 2nd and 6 of Аpril and 4th to 11 of October. It will also strongly affect people with a personal planets in 14-18 degree of Aries and 14-16 degree of Libra. The time around October 8 is good to review and release a relationship conflicts. Partial Solar eclipse is on October 23. The Sun will be a first degree of Scorpio. It will strongly affect people, born between October 20-25 and people with a personal planets in 28-30 degrees of Libra or 1-3 degree of Scorpio. This eclipse is highlighted with a conjunction of Sun and Venus. This is a very positive conjunction, can bring love, money and good luck. Good time to put intentions for a love life and for a material success. The day exactly between the eclipses is October 16. This day is considered to be a day of no control- the business or events, which will be started at this day can bring the opposite results from the original intention. Have a great month of October, be sensitive and aware on the days of eclipses. I am going to prepare and share the description of the intention meditation for the eclipse. I am also happy to work with you personal astrology chart, and see, what this eclipse and the next year can bring into your life