I just finished my ninth residency with the Process Work master program today. One year left to the end of the program - the finish line is visible.Tired, trying to decompress. This residency was about facilitating groups and group conflicts. The PW has a great theory and practice methods for group facilitation. I am always exited to learn, but it is also the most challenging part of the training. The group energies stirr me up, I feel too much and in many cases I go to the altered state and can't be present with the group process. It happened much less this time in Portland, I am learning and praud Смайлик «smile» On a photo I am working with my teacher Lilly in a center, doing an exercise on how to deal with a critic coming from the group. Learning to stay present and to hear the essence of the critic. Not easy... I am fliyng to San Diego today to present in constellation conference. Family Constellation is much more comfortable and known field for me. Switching my identity from being a student to be a teacher makes me happy