I am at the Family Constellation conference in San Diego. I haven't been in any big constellation community events for a while - since San Francisco conference in 2011. I was working in Costa Rica and then got consumed by my Process Work studies. I have changed a lot and I feel I can connect to this community on a new level. I am more sensitive to my own vulnerabilities and the need for safety in myself and others. And at the same time I feel my scope of vision widened. I see things differently and have my own creative ideas on many aspects of this work. Feels good. I came back with my own gifts to this community. I am presenting in an hour to share my experience on working with addiction. I will cover my learning from a rehab work as well as my work with my own addictions and addictive tendencies. We all have addictions, big or small, just some people get deadly and antisocial addictions and some are accepted in our society. It is not a simple topic, I worry if I will be able to connect and to share my vision, my energy and my heart.