This program is created for TERRApia program graduates . The goal of this program is to enhance the knowledge of process work and constellation methods, to develop leadership skills by assisting in the first year program and to focus on reaching your personal goals for this year . Apprenticeship program content : -Participating as an apprentice at the 1sr year program eight weekend long seminars. -Six exclusive apprentice group zoom sessions -Four shamanic ceremonies -Four individual sessions with Dina Ostrovsky or Irina Feigin -Working with a program curator on your Personal plan: completing a project which will help you to express yourself in career , community, art or relationships.
- Program price: $325 per month for 12 month Program curator. KATYA PEMBERTON
As an international film business owner, Katya works with an extensive group of film directors and producers from 30 countries . She’s has produced several audiobooks with world-renowned Buddhist teachers ; Katya has trained at Process Work institute , she is finishing a three year meditation program at Serenity Ridge, a Buddhist center founded by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Katya has been practicing Tibetan Buddhism for last 19 years. Katya holds design and linguistics degrees from Moscow Humanitarian University.