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June 2-4th. Be visible. Presence in Speaking, Leading and Life. Tools of Playback Theater.

New Paltz, NY

Workshop facilitator Olga Sanachina

A phrase caught my eye: "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel." We can continue this phrase: How you make them feel depends on how you feel yourself and the level of contact you have with others.

The meaning of this statement extends to many areas, including how we present ourselves in public speaking. Our focus here is not on the art of speech, but on what lies beyond it, on the elements that allow everyone participating in a presentation to FEEL and CONNECT.

What is Playback Theater?

Playback theater is an improvisational genre that relies on a strong connection between the actors and the audience, as well as a strong presence in the here and now. This is because everything the actors create on stage is based on personal stories from the audience. As a playback theater actor, you must listen carefully to the teller from the audience and capture the essence of the story and the moment, transforming it into art.

Playback theater offers excellent tools for developing skills such as presence, emotional intelligence, and creativity in the moment.

This seminar is suitable for both beginner and intermediate level Playback students.

  • We will begin with a warm-up exercise to prepare our bodies and souls, allowing us to relax, awaken our inner child, and unleash our creativity. During this exercise, we will play, dance, sing, and have fun.

  • Afterwards, each person will face the challenge of authentic presence on stage. The most difficult aspect of public speaking is allowing oneself to be imperfect and vulnerable, while being true to oneself.

  • Following this, we will focus on improving the quality of our connection with the audience. To achieve this, we will introduce the tools of playback theater. We will practice how to perceive a partner's state by using breathing techniques, physical impulses, and mental processes, and how to use this energy to express a state through acting. This practice will help us to develop sensitivity to the processes that occur during interactions between the speaker and the audience.

  • Finally, at the end of the workshop, we will create a creative set on stage where we will combine all the experiences of the two days using dance, vocal expression, and storytelling.

Olga Sanachina is a co-founder, performer, and director of VOZDUKH Center - a creative laboratory ( She is an accredited trainer in playback theater (Playback Center, New York), a playback actress, and co-founder of the pioneer playback theater in Russia, "New Jazz." She is also a psychodramatist and a graduate of actor-director courses at the Polish Theatre in Moscow, the PYR FYR Performance School, and the "Philosophy of Art" course at the Higher School of Economics.

Early bird price $525 if paid till May 20

$575 after


Venmo, zelle 973 896 9320

The group of 12 people, please reserve your place in advance. Registration via WhatsApp 973 896 9320

Included : comfortable accommodation at the retreat center:

Two breakfasts and lunch- healthy organic meals. Please bring one healthy dish for one potluck dinner. For Sunday dinner we will go out to the New Paltz restaurant.


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