Stepping out into the World. Knowledge. Clarity. Leadership. Creativity. Eldership. Power. Through this year we will continue to improve our Process works and dream theater knowledge and skills and bring our creativity into successful projects. We will continue to go deeper and to strengthen our roots. We will be looking for our unique path and style to influence the World- with compassion, wisdom , clarity and strength.. New York group will start on January 27, 2019. One Sunday per month. Adress: 151 West 30 str, Manhattan, Suite 403 Structure of a day: 10am-12pm - Personal sharing and small processes, working with dreams and body symptoms 12 pm- 1.30- new material, lecture and practice 2.30-3.30 pm Practice related to new material 3.30 pm-4.30 pm -group process 4.30pm-6 pm- Personal processes- Dream theater
10 classes Class 1. Going deeper into your personal myth. Intention setting. Class 2,3. Conflicts as a passion of Universe. Theory and practice of relationship conflict facilitation. Class 4. Methods of inner work. Burning your own wood. Geopsychology. Class 5. Leadership- wisdom, strength and power. Metaskills. Find your leadership style. Class 6. Exploration of your personal creative process. Going through creative blocks. Class 7. Money. Power. Time of Change. Class 8,9 Annual Terrapia retreat Class 10 Body. Subtle Body Experiences. Intense body experiences. Finding your inner healer. Material review. -Four personal sessions included into the program Program pre-requirement: completion of the first year of TERRApia program. Program price: 1600 if paid full till Jan 15 1900 if paid monthly, by subscription