dinaostrovskyAug 4, 2019Elena Veselago Family Constellation seminarsСеминары Елены Веселаго в Нью Йорке. 23 -27 Октября регистрация здесь Елена ВЕСЕЛАГО (Москва) - расстановщик и полевой терапевт с...
dinaostrovskyMar 26, 2018Family Constellation. Connecting to ancestral rivers of love."System and family constellation” is a very effective method for healing your ancestral and family field. With this method we can...
dinaostrovskyFeb 26, 2018Family and System Constellations"System and family constellation” is a very effective method for healing your ancestral and family field. With this method we can...
dinaostrovskySep 6, 2017Mandala seminarsMandala is an ancient method to project the stories, which happen in your inner realm abstract colorful patterns, put inside the circle....
dinaostrovskyOct 6, 2016Shamanic breath-work with Natalia KrasnovaThe Shamanic Breathwork™ Process is a powerful healing process that inspires individuals to remember and reconnect with their own inner...
dinaostrovskyMar 29, 2014Transformational CoachingTransformational Coaching is a fusion between process oriented psychotherapy (process work), family constellation therapy and life...
dinaostrovskyMar 29, 2014Process WorkProcess Work is a cross-disciplinary approach aimed to support individual and collective change. It developed in the 1970s and 1980s when...
dinaostrovskyMar 29, 2014Family and System ConstellationsEach of us is a link in a chain spanning countless generations. It is not surprising that at times we are “paying off the debts” of our...