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TERRApia school retreats

In this course, you will learn the basic methods of Process Work, Family Constellation, and Transformational Life Coaching to use in your daily life and your professional life. 
The goal of this ceremony is to promote body and soul healing, deepen the skills acquired during Terrapia classes, celebrate the community, perform ancestral healing, and work on personal challenges.
In this course, you will learn the basic methods of Process Work, Family Constellation, and Transformational Life Coaching to use in your daily life and your professional life. 

September 30 - October 1
Terrapia Playback program seminar

Playback theater is an improvisational genre that relies on a strong connection between the actors and the audience, as well as a strong presence in the here and now. This is because everything the actors create on stage is based on personal stories from the audience. As a playback theater actor, you must listen carefully to the teller from the audience and capture the essence of the story and the moment, transforming it into art.
In this course, you will learn the basic methods of Process Work, Family Constellation, and Transformational Life Coaching to use in your daily life and your professional life. 

Past Events

Join us for a delightful weekend on nature, where you'll not only recharge your batteries but also improve your public presentation skills.
In this course, you will learn the basic methods of Process Work, Family Constellation, and Transformational Life Coaching to use in your daily life and your professional life. 
Playback theater is an improvisational genre that relies on a strong connection between the actors and the audience, as well as a strong presence in the here and now. This is because everything the actors create on stage is based on personal stories from the audience. As a playback theater actor, you must listen carefully to the teller from the audience and capture the essence of the story and the moment, transforming it into art.

June 24-25
Jetlag festival. The Psychedelic Revolution. Promise of Limitless Growth or Grand Delusion?

Discover new talents and abilities through the use of psychedelics and altered states. Integrate these experiences into everyday life in areas such as health, careers, creativity, and relationships. 
Join us for a delightful weekend on nature, where you'll not only recharge your batteries but also improve your public presentation skills.
Open new talents using dreams and altered states. Learn fun, effective and practical methods to access new internal resources and use them for careers, creativity and leadership.
The goal of this ceremony is to promote body and soul healing, deepen the skills acquired during Terrapia classes, celebrate the community, perform ancestral healing, and work on personal challenges.

Join Katya Pemberton and Dina Ostrovsky for a healing and rejuvenating retreat where we will slow down, take time for ourselves and experience the benefits that meditation, breath, and gentle movement of Qigong have to offer.

Photo by Daniil Korzhonov.jpg

The World Tree retreat is an amalgam of three integral learning environments: interactive presentations, practice sessions and sharing circles. During the interactive presentations, through the media of contemporary botany, biochemistry, ecology, world history, art, spiritual literature and photography we will discover mythological and mundane aspects of the Tree, and experience Its ubiquitous presence in everyday life.


August 4-14
Terrapia school Japan pilgrimage


August 25-27
Astrology retreat

В этом году Плутон, планета Магии и Трансформации, заходит в знак Водолея. На астрологическом ретрите мы будем работать с новыми энергиями этого перехода. Мы будем развивать свою интуицию, силу и магию через работу с энергиями элементов и планет.

7 nights all-inclusive. Lodging in a private retreat center 2 plant ceremonies Daily guided integration practices & individualized support Nature immersion, local hot springs, gardens, volcano & beach hikes Ceremony guided by indigenous lineage holder & trained therapists Kind, compassionate & inclusive community setting.

Michael Yoshpa

Doctor of Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Chemistry, Doctor of Divinity, Master's Degree in Biological Sciences, Master's Degree in Education.

Process-oriented therapist. Life Coach. Graduated from the International School of Shiatsu, as well as the SAT Program by Dr. Claudio Naranjo.

Michael Yoshpa is a facilitator at internal development and self-realization retreats, photographer, Sun Moo Do martial arts senior instructor of Grand Master Bong Pil Yang lineage, Ashtanga Yoga instructor of David Swenson lineage, and Zhineng Qigong teacher of Master Ming Pang lineage.

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